Every organism finds itself daily fighting against infections and injuries, more or less serious. To respond to these threats, nature has created a perfect mechanism: the inflammation.
Inflammation, also called phlogosis (from the Greek word “phlogòs” meaning to inflame, to burn), consists of a long series of physical and chemical responses set in motion by the body in order to eliminate the harmful agents present and subsequently repair damaged tissues.
Because of the substances produced and the mechanisms involved in this process, inflammation manifests with 5 typical signs:
- Heat (where it can be felt through the skin)
- Redness (where visible through the skin)
- Swelling
- Pain
- Alteration of function of the involved part
These typical signs go a long way toward creating the sense of “discomfort” that is felt when inflammation is in progress, and they can be kept under control with medication
Nature has always had the right remedies for inflammation
Before the emergence of drugs, the ancients relied on preparations derived from plants to keep inflammation and pain under control.
Even today, one can turn to rproven natural remedies, to be used alone or in combination with drugs to reduce their dosage.
The curcuma, for example, is able to counter inflammation by acting on proinflammatory cytokines (substances underlying the body’s chemical reactions during inflammation).
There are also naturally derived anti-inflammatories called “endocannabinoids” because they act on cannabinoid receptors that control inflammation: this is the case, for example, with PEA (contained in milk, egg yolk, soybeans, peanuts), discovered in 1993 by Nobel Prize
Rita Levi Montalcini, or of Beta-caryophyllene (contained in the essential oil of black pepper).
One of the typical signs of inflammation is swelling, resulting from edema. Edema refers to an accumulation of fluid between cells and tissues, resulting from altered permeability of capillaries present in the area subject to inflammation. To reduce swelling and eliminate excess fluids, nature provides us with bromelain (contained in pineapple stem) and myrtilin (contained in bilberry): these are substances that regulate capillary permeability and facilitate the expulsion of excess fluids through the urine.
It is always important to seek your Veterinarian’s advice when our dog or kittenpresents pain or inflammation.With his or her knowledge, the Veterinarian will be able to recommend the most appropriate therapybto reduce our pet’s discomfort.
Dr. Valentina Bregoli, Veterinary Physician
Sale Product on saleFlogolevo
From: € 15,50From: € 13,20
NUTRIGEN’s advice:
FLOGOLEVO: complementary feed in palatable tablets for dogs and cats, for the reduction
Of inflammation and associated pain. It contains turmeric and Pea, from the recognized
anti-inflammatory properties, as well as bromelain and cranberry for reducing edema and
swelling. It can be used in all kinds of inflammation, such as cystitis, arthritis, trauma, and even
After surgery.